Whiskey, Whittlin’ and Me

Porch Rocking

I’m in the Ozark Mountains in northern Arkansas. It’s hot (90’s), calm, friendly and utterly peaceful. I am staying at the Ozark Country Inn in Mountain View, AR, touted as the Folk Music Capitol of the World. Everyone in this town plays an instrument and they gather in the town square in the warm evenings and blend together into groups to entertain themselves and others. Continue reading

Cows, carnivores, churches and clubs

Along Hwy 40

Lots of cows in Texas, or are they steer? I am busting along the freeways at top speeds  trying to get across this fabulous county of mine, so my knowledge of flora and fauna is limited. But I see a field of cattle and immediately go “Awww, HI COWS!” and then just as automatically I continue… “I’m sorry. I’m sorry you will be eaten.” Continue reading

“Are we there yet?”

Spruce Tree House and Me!

If I had a kid in the back seat driving into Mesa Verde National Park she would have said “are we there yet?” about ten times. It was deceptive because I pulled up to the kiosk and showed my annual park pass and got my map from the yogi-bear-hatted ranger, and then drove for half an hour before seeing any signs of life. Continue reading

F. Scott Fitzgerald of the Rocky Mountains

Telluride Village

I have just spent two glorious days in Telluride, Colorado. A beautiful little gem of a ski village, that used to be a mining town, in what reminds me of the Swiss Alps. It is off-season and the Aspen’s are blooming with bright green leaves to contrast with the darker powerful evergreens, waterfalls are bursting over cliffs, and everywhere there is the feeling of enchantment. Continue reading

Tantalizing Telluride

Bridal Veil Falls, Telluride, CO

So…how to explain this. Simply, the eclipse in Telluride was magic.  Here I am in this amazingly gorgeous scenery, alone and feeling a bit lonely wishing I had a loved one along, and then I head to the roof of my hotel to watch the eclipse. In the elevator I meet a man that is heading to the roof as well and he is meeting friends with a bottle of champagne and it turns into a laughter-filled event of friendship. Continue reading

Bewitching Bryce Canyon

OK, so I adore Bryce Canyon National Park; fairytale rock formations, beautiful night skies, and a chance meeting with a man of peace. I went to a ranger talk about the stars last night at 9pm and being there reminded me of my childhood and camping at Van Damme State Park, CA and going to the Ranger Rick talks at the campground. As a kid I loved the whole idea of staying up late, walking with a flashlight, the eeriness of the sounds at night, and the way people look in the moonlight. Continue reading