The cabin that built me…

At Donner Lake

At Donner Lake

After spending a fabulous few days in Reno, NV, I met my sister and mom at Donner Lake, California. We spent the day kayaking and soaking in the sunshine lakeside. Our reservation was messed up so we ended up in this large two level room where we each had our own bed and probably could have housed a boy scout troop as well! Pretty wonderful. Continue reading

Meet Phyllis…

I have spent a lot of time with family on this leg of the trip. Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington and Minnesota were all speckled with visits and catching up. I am blessed with a colorful heritage that I was born into and family that I married into. Seeing them all within a few months time has been enriching and eye-opening. My roots shape who I am, like it or not.

Phyllis, my mother-in-law

Phyllis, my mother-in-law

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Texas hospitality in Nevada…

IMG_8749I knew I was a long way from home when I passed a pickup truck filled with carcasses. The enormous elk horns were sticking way over the side and the driver had to keep far to the right of the lane in order not to skewer something. It rather sickened me to see the beautiful head distorted at a weird angle and the pile-o-antlers in the white truck bed. Continue reading